February 2018


Apollo Solar Technology hosted yet another successful annual closing party on the 14th of November 2017. It was a remarkable day for Management and fellow employees as everyone ended the 2017 year on a positive note as well as feeling inspired for the year 2018.

As Apollo management we place this function in very high regard as apart from enjoying delicious food and drinks it also gave us a platform to know our staff on a more personal level.  We are aware that staff work ethics improve when their efforts are recognised and appreciated thus this also giving us the chance to show employees our gratitude for the work they have accomplished throughout the year.

Apollo’s Managing Director, Anita Zhu, gave thanks to all employees for the hard work shown throughout the year in her opening speech before presenting certificates to the most notable staff members of 2017.

Employees who received certificates include:

  • Christopher Zulu for Star Staff of the year
  • Susan Li for Star Manager of the year
  • Eden Mbayi for Most Service Attitude Employee
  • Bethwell Mweli for Most Responsible Employee
  • Titus Munyayi for Gold Service Employee
  • Zamani Mhlope for Most Improved Employee

In addition, other employees also won shopping vouchers through a random draw competition. In keeping with our company’s code of conduct we aim to keep our staffs’ motivation and spirits high.